EU Values
Strategic Partnership aimed at increasing youth awareness of common European values while participating in Erasmus+ initiatives

EU Values: “Strategic Partnership aimed at increasing youth awareness of common European values while participating in Erasmus+ initiatives” is a 2 years Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnership in the field of Youth that involves 6 partners from 5 countries (Greece, Spain, Netherlands, Italy and France), who will work together addressing young people (18-29 years old) and all people in general who work with the E+ program in the development of a youth competency profile that recognises the values and institutions of the European Union, becoming an agent of change, working on the development of associated competences, linked to citizen’s participation on the one side, but also to the acceptance and application of some of our key values of inclusion, diversity, wellfare, sustainability.
During the 2 years of project implementation EU Values aims to develop the following list of Outcomes & Project results (PRs):
· A multi-level project website available in 6 Programme’s languages (EN/GR//IT/NL/ES/FR) & Social Media page.
· PR1: EU Framework of Knowledge for Youth: The aim of this result is to create a competence framework through which the current level of young people’s knowledge of EU values will be reviewed and their future needs assessed. For this, a survey and discussion groups will be created. At least 360 representatives (300 youth and 60 youth workers/Educators working with youngsters) will be reached and directly involved in this development of this activity and result.
· PR2: Online Training Course and Teaching Notes: Online Training and interactive resources available in 6 different languages, where at least 180 youth, among which 75 facing obstacles, and 30 youth workers (for a total of 210 participants) will test first-hand our online training and teaching notes during this result.
· PR3: Educational Game App: an Interactive e-game that will combine entertainment with acquisition and improvement of EU related knowledge and values, and it will be achieved through a specially designed game engine suitable for web browsers and mobile devices such as tablets. For this result, 180 youth and 30 youth workers will be invited to test first-hand the APP.

A final set of 6 Multiplier Events (E1-E6) will take place in each Country relying on 35 attendees from the project Target Groups (210 attendees in total).
Multiplier Events
0Attendees in Total
· Young people (18 to 29 years old) and especially young people with fewer opportunities;
· Youth workers and all people in general who work with the Erasmus+ programme;
· Youth Associated Partners;
· Public Administrations;
· Youth education departments of local/regional/national stakeholders;
· Local youth migrant organisations, among others.

EU Values
Strategic Partnership aimed at increasing youth awareness of common European values while participating in Erasmus+ initiatives

This project has been funded with the support of the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project No: 2021-2-EL02-KA220-YOU-000048042