Newsletter 03

The second project result is the Online Training Course for youth and interested parties, which is not only focused on imparting essential EU competencies, but also strives to inspire greater civic participation through its meticulously crafted content. Moreover, this result also includes the teaching notes, supporting didactical materials that accompany the online training course, to offer teachers, youth trainers, among others, complementary activities to do with the students.

The Online Course responds to the needs of having clear information for youth as well as raising awareness of young people to recognize the values and institutions of the European Union. Furthermore, the online course does not only consist of theoretical knowledge of the competencies proposed, but also of encouraging, through the content developed by the partnership, greater civic engagement. It also includes activities that youth can perform in intercultural and transnational groups, for more interaction.

Finally, the partners met in beautiful Valencia, Spain, in June 2023, in addition to also holding an online meeting in October 2023, where they discussed the structure of the Educational Game App (third project result), which will be available for both IOS as for Android very soon, as well as the finalization of some details of the Online Course, now available in English version, and very soon in the 6 languages of the consortium on:

Thanks for your attention and Stay Tuned for more news about the project EU Values.

This project has been funded with the support of the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project No: 2021-2-EL02-KA220-YOU-000048042

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